Associated Laboratories

The research laboratories associated with this specialty are: CNRS Foton, IPR, the Labsticc and LSOL laboratories and the optical department of Telecom Bretagne. The outside contributors involved are therefore experienced lecturer-researchers from recognized laboratories, working in core-facility environments.

Training through research is based on the combined expertise of these contributors, communicated to the students through a practical scientific initiation TU (introduction to research, scientific conferences), the teaching of skills related to the research profession: use of English, programming, carrying out a project, etc. The training also includes practical aspects: it offers a remarkable opportunity to discover five research platforms (Nano-Rennes, PERDYN, PERFOS, PERSYST and PIXEL).

For internships, students are placed in the top laboratories in France (CNRS (CELIA, Ecole Polytechnique, IOTA, LAAS, LPN, etc.), CEA, ONERA, Orange Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, Telecom Paris Tech, etc.) and abroad ( EPFL, Technion, Stanford, MIT, ORC Southampton, etc.).


Foton : ; Fonctions Optiques pour les Technologies de l'informatiON [Optical functions for information technology] - UMR 6082

IPR : ; Institut de Physique de Rennes [Institute of Physics - Rennes] - UMR 6251

LSOL : ; Laboratoire de spectrométrie et optique laser [Spectrometry and laser optics laboratory]

Labsticc :, ; Laboratoire en sciences et techniques de l'information, de la communication et de la connaissance [Laboratory of science and technology of information, communication and knowledge]

Optics department of Télécom Bretagne:

Core facilites

Nano-Rennes : ; plate-forme de technologie de proximité nano-rennes [Nanorennes technological platform]

PERDYN : ; plate-forme d'évaluation et de recherche des fonctions dynamiques optoélectroniques [Platform for Evaluation and Research on optoelectronic DYNamic functions of optical communications systems]

PERFOS : ; Plate-Forme d'évaluation de recherche sur les fibres optiques spéciales [Platform for Studies and Research on Microstructured Optical Fibres]

Persyst : ; Platform for Evaluation and Research on optical telecommunication SYSTems

PIXEL : ; Plate-forme d'Imagerie multi(X)photonique Etendue Large bande de l'Université Rennes 1 [Rennes 1 Broad-band Multiphoton Imaging Facility]

CCLO (Centre Commun Lannionais d'Optique) : Lannion integrated optics centre, a facility for integrated optics technologies, thin layers and materials for optics.