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Master EUR CyberSchool

Logo de l'école universitaire de recherche en cybersécuritéEngineering students in the Computer Science programme (student or apprentice status) have the possibility of enrolling in the EUR CyberSchool Master's programme in parallel with their last two years of training at Enssat. This master's degree is co-accredited by seven Breton schools (Centrale Supélec, ENSAI, ENS Rennes, Enssat, IMT Atlantique, INSA Rennes, Sciences Po Rennes), two UFRs (ISTIC, UFR Mathématiques) of the University of Rennes and the University of Rennes 2, which have joined forces to offer a master's degree in the field of cyber security.

The proposed course is aimed at students who wish to deepen their knowledge of the state of the art in cyber security research. The programme's majors cover the fields of software and network security, and hardware security. In the coming years, the fields of formal methods in software development and artificial intelligence in security will be added.

Master in Cybersecurity website

Research Master’s undertaken at ENSSAT

All three of the school’s specialised courses lend themselves to the possibility of coupling the third years of engineering studies with a level 2 Research Master’s degree. ENSSAT-qualified engineers can then progress to a doctoral thesis.

It is also possible for a student who has obtained their level 1 Master’s degree to complete a level 2 Master’s at ENSSAT.

Signal mapping and embedded systems

The objective is to train researchers and engineering in the fields of signals, images, embedded and automated systems.

Le parcours Signal et Systèmes Embarqués proposé à l'Enssat est une formation généraliste en traitement du signal, conjointement à une formation avancée sur la mise en œuvre matérielle et logicielle de ces algorithmes au sein de systèmes embarqués en s’appuyant sur des technologies d’intégration récentes (SoC pour System-on-Chip).

Intelligent Computing interaction course

The course is ideal for students who wish to improve their knowledge in a number of subjects including data modelling, access to unstructured and spread databases, man-to-machine interactivity using voice commands and automatic learning methods. With regards to assessing student’s knowledge, a written test is set for core foundation subjects/modules and the course-specific lessons are marked on a continual assessment basis  (articles, presentations, experimental projects). The automatic teaching and database search modules act as real training situations relating to voice command and advanced database tasks.

The 5 core course topics:

  1. Multimedia and voice command components (MCV)
  2. Man-to-machine and multimode fonctions (IHM)
  3. Advanced database spreading and peer-to-peer models (BDA)
  4. Artificial learning (APA)
  5. Database searching (FDD)

Photonics Master’s

photonics Master’s in Brittany


The objective of this specialised Photonics Master’s is to provide students with high-level scientific and technical photonics qualification (at baccalaureat + 5yrs of studies level).

Four Breton engineering schools - Enib, Enssat, Rennes Insa and IMT-Atlantique – as well as two universities - Bretagne Occidentale university and Rennes 1 university - have combined resources in order to offer this advanced photonics training course simultaneously in Brest, Lannion and Rennes with three specialised options : Optic telecommunications, Nanophotonics, living sciences and environmental photonics.

This multi-campus training course incorporates the latest numerical technologies for teaching purposes and is supported by the « numerical c@mpus ».

Pooling resources is a cornerstone of this training course.

The photonics Master’s degree illustrates the interaction between the research world and practical application areas. The Breton photonics research expertise is directly linked to the UMR CNRS « Foton – Fonctions optiques pour les technologies de l’information (optical functions for information technologies » laboratory.

The majority of Photonics Master’s graduates pursue their thesis studies in the most prestigious French laboratories, specialising in photonics technologies.

• specialised ‘systems to assist environmental decisions’ option

• specialised multimedia option

• specialised embedded systems optio

This Master’s is co-accredited by the USTH (Université des Sciences et des Technologies de Hanoï = Hanoi Science and Technology University) in Vietnam and 11 French universities : Aix-Marseille, Avignon, Bretagne Occidentale, La Rochelle, Limoges, Lorraine, Montpellier 2, Poitiers, Rennes 1 and Toulouse.

This Master’s course offers 3 specialised options covered over 4 semesters, for a combined total of 120 ECTS credits.
To validate their training, students must combine the academic knowledge learnt as part of their specialised course with the pre-career skills acquired during their work placements.  After a level-1 Master’s placement of a minimum duration of 10 weeks, students produce a report and complete an oral presentation. The work placement for the level-2 Master’s is completed over a 6-month period and comes with a written report and thesis presentation requirement. The level-2 Master’s placement can be done in France or through one of the co-approved universities authorised to issue the ICT Master’s diploma (the Rennes 1 University is authorised to issue this diploma).

Here is a detailed description of the specialised options included as part of this Master’s degree:

  1. ystems to assist environmental decisions : a specialised option relating to systems designed to assist with environmental risk management decisions, requiring a vast spectrum of skillsets/knowledge in the areas of databases and evaluation analysis tools. These fields are closely connected to topics such as management of spacial data provided by Geographical Information Systems (SIG).
  2. Multimedia : specialised option connected to the analysis, storage and use of multimedia data in everyday numerical contexts requiring skills relating to image, sound, voice, video handling. The abilities developed cover the broad field of computing skills, focusing both on mobility factors and standard multimedia components.
  3. Embedded systems : specialised option relating to current and future technologies applicable to embedded chip systems (SoC). This specialised area covers a wide spectrum of skills ranging from numerical signal processing to chip system architecture, also encompassing a strong knowledge of real-time application implemented on these types of platforms.

This Master’s is co-accredited by the Universités de Montpellier 1 et 2,  the Mines-Télécom Institue and engineering schools (Mines d'Alès, Enssat).

It is designed to cover an increasing demand from the Health sector for executives who can assume a role between the Medical arena and engineering in a broad sense.

Management Master’s undertaken through the Rennes IGR-IAE

3rd year ENSSAT student-engineers (excluding those studying under apprenticeship schemes) are given the option to directly enrol in the 2nd year of the Company Administration Master’s course available through the Institut de Gestion de Rennes (IGR-IAE) = Rennes management Institute in order to achieve high-level skills in management.

The nationally-recognised Company Management Master’s diploma serves as an ideal training platform for executives who will later occupy key positions within companies. It is aimed at students who wish to couple their core training with strong knowledge of organisational methods and learn how to create synergies between different company positions.

At the end of their engineering syllabus, the students who have also completed this IGR course therefore benefit from having obtained two recognised diplomas.